Ochrana osob, které oznamují porušení práva Unie

Společnost BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE s.r.o. se z důvodu tzv. přímé aplikovatelnosti Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2019/1937 ze dne 23.10.2019 o ochraně osob, které oznamují porušení práva Unie dnem 1.4.2022 stává povinným subjektem ke zřízení tzv. vnitřního oznamovacího systému umožňujícího zejména přijímat od níže specifikovaného okruhu fyzických osob oznámení o jednáních proti právu EU, nakládat s nimi, chránit totožnost oznamovatelů a dalších osoby, chránit informace uvedené v oznámení a komunikovat s oznamovateli. Hlavním cílem ochrany oznamovatelů v této oblasti je umožnit odhalovat protiprávní jednání odehrávající se na pracovišti nebo při výkonu pracovní (či jiné obdobné) činnosti či v souvislosti s ní, o kterých zaměstnanci a další fyzické osoby v podobném postavení za normálních okolností zaměstnavatele nebo příslušné státní orgány neinformují, a to zejména z obavy ze ztráty zaměstnání či jiného postihu.

Fyzické osoby, které mohou dle shora uvedené směrnice EP a Rady (EU) činit oznámení o možné protiprávní činnosti:

  • zaměstnanci povinného subjektu (tj. osoby vykonávající pro společnost BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE s.r.o. práci na základě pracovní smlouvy či dohod o pracích konaných mimo pracovní),
  • osoby ve služebním poměru vůči povinnému subjektu,
  • osoby poskytující dodávky výrobků či služeb pro povinný subjekt (tzv. OSVČ),
  • osoby vykonávající funkce člena orgánu právnické osoby, který je do funkce volen, jmenován či jinak povolán, kdy současně je uvedená právnická osoba alespoň zčásti zřizována povinným subjektem nebo poskytuje dodávky výrobků či služeb, stavební prací nebo jiného obdobného plnění pro povinný subjekt,
  • osoby vykonávající správu svěřenského fondu,
  • osoby vykonávající dobrovolnickou činnost,
  • osoby vykonávající u povinného subjektu odbornou praxi či stáž,
  • osoby ucházející se o práci či obdobnou činnost u povinného subjektu.

Shora uvedené fyzické osoby jsou oprávněny oznamovat protiprávní jednání (porušení práva Unie) týkající se alespoň některé z těchto oblastí:

  • zadávání veřejných zakázek,
  • finanční služby, produkty a trhy a předcházení praní peněz a financování terorismu,
  • bezpečnost a soulad výrobků s předpisy,
  • bezpečnost dopravy,
  • ochrana životního prostředí,
  • radiační ochrana a jaderná bezpečnost,
  • bezpečnost potravin a krmiv, zdraví a dobré životní podmínky zvířat,
  • veřejné zdraví,
  • ochrana spotřebitele,
  • ochrana soukromí a osobních údajů a bezpečnost sítí a informačních systémů,
  • finanční zájmy Unie podle článku 325 SFEU a blíže upřesněná v příslušných opatřeních Unie a porušení týkající se vnitřního trhu podle čl. 26 odst. 2 Smlouvy o fungování EU, včetně porušení unijních pravidel hospodářské soutěže a státní podpory, jakož i porušení týkající se vnitřního trhu v souvislosti s jednáními, která porušují pravidla týkající se daně z příjmů právnických osob, nebo s mechanismy, jejichž účelem je získání daňové výhody, která maří předmět nebo účel příslušného práva v oblasti daně z příjmů právnických osob.

pozn.: Kompletní seznam právních předpisů spadajících do věcné působnosti Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2019/1937 ze dne 23.10.2019 o ochraně osob, které oznamují porušení práva Unie je od 17. 12. 2021 zveřejněn na webu Ministerstva spravedlnosti (www.justice.cz) a bude průběžně aktualizován.

Příslušnou osobou určenou k přijímání, zkoumání a dalšímu nakládání s oznámeními je:
Petr Kremla, BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE s.r.o., tel.: +420 354 435 927, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Další možnosti podávání oznámení:

  • Telefonicky na telefonním čísle +420 354 435 927.
  • Osobně po dohodě na telefonním čísle +420 354 435 927 nebo na e-mailu This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Písemně přes e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Písemně poštou na adresu: BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE s.r.o., Wolkerova 2304/38, 350 02 Cheb, v obálce označené: "NEOTVÍRAT – URČENÉ PRO PŘÍSLUŠNOU OSOBU".
  • Osobně po dohodě na telefonním čísle +420 354 435 927 nebo na e-mailu This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Společnost BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE s.r.o. si vyhrazuje úpravu této informace zejména v závislosti na případné přijetí transpozičního právního předpisu.


The management of BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE company and all its employees are fully aware of their responsibility for environmental protection which is an integral part of all the corporate activities starting from Development to Production in accordance with the valid legislation.

General principles

  • We comply with legal and other requirements related to the protection of environment and natural resources
  • We strive to prevent possible risks and impacts of corporate activities on the environment
  • We use environmentally friendly production technologies, machines, devices and production procedures
  • We ensure safe working environment
  • We sort and recycle waste from all our workplaces. We motivate our staff to decrease waste and to save energies
  • We set the targets of our environmental policy and we regularly check how they are fulfilled
  • We require from our partners full co-operation and compliance with the valid environmental legislation

What we do

  • Optimization of the corporate fleet operation
  • Optimization of transportation in co-operation with partner freight carriers
  • Ecological operation of production technologies (selective painting, selective soldering)
  • Effective recycling of waste
  • Recycling of packaging material - its re-use for the dispatch


BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE integrates ideas, design and production into one sustainable strategy

As a leading manufacturer of electronics and mechatronic devices for smart homes, we look into the future of communities locally and globally.
BONNEL Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has played an integral role in our activities for our employees, partners and customers, society and environment.

BONNEL CSR strategy focuses on

  • local communities in the town of Cheb and the Karlovarsky Region
  • secondary schools and universities


BONNEL supports international cultural exchange in its long-term co-operation with the FIJO Festival of Women´s Brass bands. We support gender equal opportunities in technical professions as well as in the field of culture.

Youth Minigolf World Championship

At BONNEL, we highlight effective teamwork. BONNEL aims to teach children and youth through this sports discipline how to co-operate, no matter if your team is small or big, local or international.

Grand Prix Cheb

Bring your work into perfection, this is a motto which unites BONNEL and the International Dancing Competition. We support both professionals and beginners who want to make an active contribution in the world of technologies or in the world of dance.

Technological Initiative Pilsen

The Technological Initiative Pilsen (TIP) is a voluntary and independent association of legal persons operating within the territory of the Czech Republic and other states of the European Union, whose main subject matter of activities is cooperation in the area of research and development, mutual sharing of resources (namely HR, economic, technical and developmental), optimization of manufacturing, economic and trade conditions of its members and support of business.

With BONNEL you can grow

Our CSR strategy enables young people from secondary schools to gain insights into the hi-tech world of electronics, get the feel for modern production technologies and learn about people at BONNEL. During the trainings, summer jobs or when compiling a diploma work, they can improve their knowledge, communication and technical skills and much more......BE PART of BONNEL teams.

Learn more about our partner schools


At BONNEL we aim to promote know-how exchange with leading research institutions

Thanks to our development projects with universities and colleges, we establish a creative atmoshere which can enrich both partners and bring excellent results.

Learn more about our R & D partners

RTI - Regionální technologický institut
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Fakulta strojní

RICE - Regional Innovation Centre for Electrical Engineering
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Fakulta elektrotechnická

Technická univerzita v Liberci
Katedra strojírenské technologie, oddělení tváření kovů a plastů


Idea   Design   Production

  • Inventing, development and manufacturing of our own products, which are sold either directly or through our trade partners
  • Development (in the majority of cases based on our own ideas) and Manufacturing of user-specific products in the domain of industrial electronics, telecommunication, automation, safety equipment and PC-software
  • Reverse Engineering of no longer availible spare-parts and modules
  • Since 2008 our company is awarded with the Microchip Gold Level reward as Design Partner
  • Ready-to-sell supply of OEM products through own ISO 9001:2000 certified production in the Czech Republic
  • Here and there some contract production, delivered on schedule, at favourable conditions (with or without purchasing of material)
  • A large part of our clients are well-known German enterprises


The BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE corporate strategy says: We want to be a flexible and reliable supplier. This strategy is reflected in the whole production department. BONNEL has quality and modern technologies and it can offer quick in-house solutions. Compared to other companies, BONNEL can guarantee flexible and very quick supplies to its customers. All BONNEL products go through 100% quality inspection of manufactured electronics performed as a functional test.

Competences of our Production

Technical preparation of production

In the competitive stage we define exact production processes and individual production operations, including a parts catalogue of individual products and a production costs calculation. We participate in the change management during the product life cycle.
One of significant tasks of the technical preparation of production is to give incentives and recommendations how to optimize the product design. The main output of continuous improvement is the peak effectivity of production proces.

SMT production

Our top-of-the-range workplace for SMT mounting is configured and customized for BONNEL electronics. Part of the SMT production line there are individual machines, such as automated silk-screen printing, a mounting robot, a recasting oven,  checks between individual operations to the final quality control at output. For soldering we apply rinse-free flux substances.

THT production

The THT production is composed of a manual workplace for the assembly of THD components and subsequent the most modern technology for selective THD soldering. BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE disposes of a special workplace equipped with a selective soldering machine ERSA Ecoselect 1. This compact system enables flexible production of small and medium-sized batches. Permanent, high quality and aesthetical circuits can be achieved when the whole soldering process is carried out in nitrogen atmosphere.
In addition, this workplace is equipped for cutting milled and grooved PCBs apart.

PCB washing and painting

A specialized workplace for PCB washing is equipped with a highly efficient, automated machine Super SWASH II, thanks to which BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE is able to guarantee strict criteria for the cleanliness of electronic assemblies after soldering
Our specialized painting workplace ensures flexibility when covering sudden peaks in the production and dispatch. We perform selective painting and hand paint application.

Mechanical workshop

Our mechanical workshop specializes in machining, especially of plastics and light metals.  It is equipped with CNC milling machines and conventional lathes, fixtures and tools.


At our assembly workplaces, the assembly of individual products and sets is finalized. For our assembly staff there are quality hand-operated tools, such as branded, lightweight electrical screwdrivers with switching torque. These tools ensure high quality of working operations and employees´ high standard of work and health safety.

Testing workplace

Electrical tests are performed at workplaces equipped with the latest devices - digital multimeres, laboratory sources, oscilloscopes, counters, EMC spectral analyzers and others.
For mass production testing we develop and manufacture testers (testing devices) for in-circuit tests, firmware recording and complete functional testing.
All BONNEL products go through 100% quality inspection of manufactured electronics performed as a functional test.

Are you interested in co-operating with BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE? Contact us HERE.



Since 1992 BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE has proven its skills and expertise in the firmware and embedded software development. There is a high chance that your decentralized wastewater treatment plant or your locking technology is powered by firmware developed by our experienced team. Our design and expertise stand behind multiple control units, smart locking systems and novel applications for customers in the Czech Republic, in Europe and worldwide.


Thanks to its expertise and professional project management, BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE has become a reliable partner for local and global manufacturers in the fields:


  • Languages: C/C++ for firmware embedded development,
  • Java, Python, C++/C# for application software development,
  • Preferred MCU architectures – ARM, PIC
  • Expertise in RTOS - Linux, Windows NT/Embedded/IoT, FreeRTOS, Segger embOS
  • Agile project management, software - Atlassian JIRA



BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE development department is a strong team of mature and experienced professionals with long-term practical experience in firmware and embedded software applications. Our IT engineers and their deep knowledge are a true guarantee of individualized approach to every project.


We provide a complete project support. Together with our customers, we analyze initial data and requirements, draft possible firmware or embedded software solutions, implement them, test their functionalities and offer continuous support and improvement ideas.


Over the years, we have established reliable partnerships with our customers. We are committed to providing professional and cost-effective solutions at any stage of the project.


We power numerous existing electronic devices, but firmware and embedded software developed by BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE has driven forward progress in wastewater treatment plants monitoring as well as locking systems. Regardless if big companies or small enterprises, OEMs have been benefiting from our innovative approach.

Ask us for a consultation to your project!

Contact our sales team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



CHEB namesti
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CHEB Spalicek
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CHEB Klasterni zahrada
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Image is not available
Miroslav Ondrisek
Autorem následujících krásných fotografií je náš kolega
Author of following beautiful pictures is our colleague
Der Autor von folgenden schönen Bilder ist unser Kollege

Ing. Miroslav Ondříšek

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More beautiful photos from our coworker Miroslav Ondříšek here

Administrative and delivery address:

Wolkerova 2304/38
350 02 Cheb
Czech Republic


VAT-ID No. CZ 18230407
Phone +420 354 435 927 
Fax +420 354 431 124
Internet  http://www.bonnel.cz
E-mail  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

This mail-address is checked by a spam-filter. Therefore there is a risk, that your mails will not reach us anymore. To avoid this, and assure reliable delivery, please use the contact form. 

N: 50° 04' 58"
E: 12° 22' 48"  

See Google maps (Google Street View is very outdated) or mapy.cz (usually a bit more up-to-date for CZ)





Responsible for the content of these sites:
Wolkerova 2304/38
350 02 Cheb
Czech Republic

Represented by the managing partners:
Dipl.-Ing. Georg Bonn
Dipl.-Ing. Jan Bonn

USt-ID Nr. CZ 18230407
Telefon +420 354 435 927 
Fax +420 354 431 124
Internet  http://www.bonnel.cz
E-mail  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

This mail-address is checked by a spam-filter. Therefore there is a risk, that your mails will not reach us anymore. To avoid this, and assure reliable delivery, please use the contact form.

Reporting and information obligations for manufacturers

Reporting and notification obligations pursuant to Section 18 of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act / Section 2 of the Act on the Implementation of the Waste Framework Directive

WEEE-Reg.-Nummer DE 25976932




The contents of these pages have been drawn up and checked with great care. BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE does not provide any warranty or guarantee as to the timeliness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE exclude any liability whatsoever for damages of a material or non-material nature which may be caused by the use or non-use of the presented information or through the faultiness or incompleteness of this information, unless the fault was demonstrably caused by intention and/or gross negligence on the part of BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE. BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE expressively reserve themselves the right to change, complete or to delete parts or the whole of the offer without previous notice, or to end the publication of this website entirely.


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BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE is endeavourer to respect all copyrights in all publications. Should a copyright violation occur nonetheless, BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE. will, on being notified, remove the relevant object or indicate its copyright. All protected trademarks and brands published in the internet which may be protected through third parties, are subject without restriction to the respective law of labeling and the right of possession of the particular registered proprietors. The sole mentioning of the name of trademarks does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that they are not protected by the right of a third party. The copyright of our own content, published by BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE on the domains www.bonnel-tech.com, www.bonnel-tech.eu, www.bonnel.de and www.bonnel.cz in and to the website shall be owned by BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE. Duplication of graphics or texts published in other electronic media or in print without the express permission of BONNEL is prohibited.

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